Workout Split

Deciding what workouts to do each day can be overwhelming and challenging. If you are not following a program with the workouts scheduled for you, it can be hard to know where to start. What should you do on each day? I am going to share my favorite workout split and how I create my workouts.

The first thing you need to determine is how many days per week you plan on working out. That will determine how you set your workout split. I like to do 5 days of strength training, 1 day of dedicated mobility & stretching, and an active rest day. I do stretch & work on mobility in each workout, but I set aside a day to do a longer session of it once a week. I also add core work in 4-5 days per week and walk daily.

First, I make a workout split schedule (the muscle groups I will work each day). Then I decide what exercises I will include in each workout. I will do that set of workouts for 4-6 weeks before switching up exercises or adding new things in. It gives me the chance to really focus on the selected exercises and challenge myself weekly by increasing weights or reps.

This is my favorite workout split. I know what I’m working on each day during the week and I look forward to it.

Next I create my list of exercises for each day. I typically choose 6-8 exercises to focus on. I love pairing my exercises in supersets (2 exercises back to back), and repeating each round 3-4 times with a 60-90 second rest between sets.


Back & Biceps: warm up 4-5 minutes first

Round 1:

Back Rows-10-12 reps

Back Fly- 10-12 reps

Rest 60-90 seconds (repeat 3-4 times)

Round 2:

Bicep Curls- 8-10 reps

Hammer Curls- 8-10 reps

Rest 60-90 seconds (repeat 3-4 times)

Round 3:

Wide Row- 10-12 reps

Preacher Curls- 6-8 reps per arm

Rest 60-90 seconds (repeat 3-4 times)

Core: 20 reps, 2-3 times

Weighted dead bug

Reverse Crunch Heel Tap


Get the idea? Create the workout split you like and then fill in the exercises you want to do with the rep range and how many sets you plan to do. The exercises do not need to be complicated, in fact, simple is better. You don’t have to lift for a long time (I am usually done in 35-40 minutes), and you don’t need a lot of equipment. If you don’t know what exercises to include, consider paying a good trainer to create a workout routine for you. If you are unsure of how to do each exercise with proper form, get a personal trainer until you feel confident.

Your workouts should be challenging but not so hard that you are in a puddle on the floor at the end. You want to work hard but also work smart! Using good form and basic exercises will help you stay injury free while building muscle.

If you have only 3 days per week to workout, you can split your workouts into Push, Pull, Legs. Push exercises are muscles that push weight away from your body. Pull exercises pull weight towards your body, and legs is well, leg day.

Day 1: Push Workout

Shoulders, Triceps, Chest

Day 2: Pull Workout

Back & Biceps

Day 3: legs

Lower Body Workout

If you have 4 days per week to workout, you can use the same workout split I do but eliminate the second lower body day.

I hope this gives you ideas for creating your own workout split and how you can set up your workouts. Seek help from qualified trainers if you need to, and be committed to your workouts!

10 thoughts on “Workout Split

  1. Thanks Julie, I made a similar schedule on March 1 to follow this month. I choose to follow one of your workouts and do the same routine for the next 6 weeks. Following along with you keeps me on track. I have come down with a cold yesterday and I am not feeling very energetic but I plan to do my exercises regardless. Thanks for everything you do! Mary Ellen


      1. I always feel better when I exercise. Looks like I’ll have someone to work out with soon! My 5 month old granddaughter has begun to stand up lol


  2. Hey there, I hope you’re well. I have just been charged $30.53. by Movement with Julie. I haven’t requested this or signed up for it. Please return my funds.

    Kindest regards 
    Ange McBride







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  3. Hi jJulie, definitely want 2 legs days. How can i purchase. I want to really sculpt my arms and legs. At 59 i get frustrated, i always workout but want thar definition so bad


    1. Hi! I love that you want to build muscle and sculpt your body! To purchase one of my programs, you can go to “workout programs” page. All the programs are listed there. You can pay through the PayPal link or if you prefer Venmo or Zelle, let me know.

      Workout Programs


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