Balanced Life

Are you ready for a Balanced Life when it comes to fitness & nutrition? Then I have got a plan for you! I have been working on a new guide with my favorite tips for living a more balanced life in fitness & nutrition.

As I entered the perimenopause season of life in my early 40’s, I quickly realized that I needed to change things to align with my changing body. While my perimenopause symptoms are pretty minor, mostly night sweats and mood swings, I wanted to start paying closer attention to what my body needs and help it thrive. That included changing up a few foods I ate (ahem… too much sugar), and change up my workouts a bit.

I’ve been into strength training for over 20 years, but I wasn’t lifting heavy enough and did WAY too much high impact cardio, so I changed it up. I started lifting heavier and traded my high impact workouts for walking, elliptical and lower impact options. I have never felt better! I still throw in the occasional squat jump or lunge jumps, but I opt for exercises that are much easier on my joints now.

I also cleaned up my diet even more during this time. I chose more fruits and veggies and less processed foods. I cut way back on added sugars and focused on less inflammatory foods. The biggest change was increasing my protein intake. That alone has made a huge difference!

In the guide, I give you information on macro & micro nutrients, determining your calorie needs, building your meals, food ideas, and few recipes, food lists and a 6 week strength program. I am by no means an expert. These are just things that have helped me and are my recommendations for making changes.

The Balanced Life Guide is meant to give you ideas for creating your own balanced life. It is NOT a meal plan or diet method. It is not a one size fits all approach or a promise that you will have the exact body or health you want. It is a guide to help you create the life you want. It will take work. In order to see changes, you have to make changes. It’s worth it though!

You can download and print the guide once you purchase it or keep it on your computer. It is over 50 pages of information to help you get started, and full of tips that have helped me.

The workout plan is a written plan (no videos) that you can follow for a complete week of workouts. You repeat the plan for 6 weeks, doing the same workouts each week. Each week your goal is to progress in your workouts by improving your form, increasing your weights or reps and challenging yourself. The movements are all basic and get the job done! You can make them more challenging by increasing your reps or weights and slowing the tempo down. By the end of 6 weeks, you should be feeling stronger and more confident in your workouts. This is my favorite way to train. I love focusing on the same sets each week for 6-8 weeks and working on progressively overloading my muscles. When the 6 weeks is up, I switch up exercises and start a new workout plan. It has worked well for me for over 10 years.

*If you prefer a guided workout program, you can use any of my follow along video workout programs too.

The Balanced Life guide is $24.99. Will you be joining me?! Click the link to purchase!

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